Ben Meets an Angel


I got to the bus station with my plans to change when I met an angel. Now, now, don’t laugh. Go with me on this, okay? It sounds strange to me. Bear with me here. I’ll probably will get confused in the middle of my story.

Anyway, I saw this angel at the bus stop. She looked about sixteen years old, I guess. This girl looked rather irritated as she waited. Curious, I walked over to her.

“Is something wrong?” I asked. She turned to me, glaring.

“What do you want?!” she barked. I about jumped when yelled at me. What the hell? Is she having a bad or something? Why is she snapping at me?

“Excuse me?” I asked. This angel snorted as she looked away. I shrugged and stood at the bus station.

“Where is that idiot?” she muttered under my breath. “I told him noon!” She sighed, rolling my eyes.

“Excuse me,” I said. At first, she jumped looking around before blinking and pointing at her nose.

“Me?” she asked.

“Uh… yes,” I said, blinking. She tilted her head.

“What is it?”

“Is this the right bus station to get out of town to Tokyo?”


“Is this the right bus station to get out of town to Tokyo?”

“Uh… this is the only bus station that goes anywhere.”

This man with glasses gave me a blank stare. “Really?”


“Oh.” She began looking around annoyed again.

 “Are you feeling okay?” I asked. She whipped around and saw me staring at her, blinking.

“I’m waiting for somebody,” she said. “I am hoping they aren’t late.”

“Ah,” I said. “I’m taking to go to Tokyo for a short IT conference.” (I was lying, but a man can dream, right?

“That’s nice,” she said.

“I hope I do a good job,” I said. “I usually get nervous at these sort things.” She frowned and dug into her hoodie pocket for her iPod. Hm, I guess she didn’t want to talk.