Bloody Faith Part III: Showdown with Evil

Dateline: Aneko tried to go to England but the flight is canceled. When she returned, however, everyone was possessed except for Jonathan and Kari. The demon girl showed up and challenged Aneko to a dual. Aneko has accepted the dual.

    “If you going to battle her, let me come with you.” said Kari. Aneko just nodded softly. Then the two girls ran home to get the supplies they needed. “Wait for me!!!” yelled Jonathan as he ran to catch up with Kari. “Stay behind!” yelled Kari. After she said that, Jonathan paused in his tracks. “Why?” asked he.  “This is just our battle!” yelled Kari. “What?” he said. Then he continued to run after the girls.

    “All right, do you have your digivice?” Aneko asked Kari as they were flying in the air. Kari was on Nefergemon and Aneko was riding on Jade, one of her Pisces. “Yes.” answered Kari. “So where are going?” she asked Aneko. “I don’t know, she just said the ninth gate and that was it.” Aneko replied. “I think it would be smart to your grandma where that is.” said Kari. “I agree.” said Aneko. Then the princess had the feeling that someone was following them.  So she turned her head and saw that Jonathan was following them a flying dragon. “Don’t look now, but your boyfriend is following us!” said Aneko. “Huh?” said Kari as she looked behind her. And sure enough, Jonathan on a flying dragon tagging along with them. Kari just hung her head and sighed. “Jonathan! What are you doing here?” she asked aloud. “I want to come too.” he said.  “We told the to stay behind!” yelled Aneko. “I’m not staying with those maniacs!” he yelled. “Besides, I wanna see where you’re going.” “Go back!” shouted Kari. “No!” he said. “Go back now!” both girls hollered. “If I can’t come with you Kari, I won’t by your boyfriend.” Jonathan replied. Kari trembled for a minute. Then she said: “All right, you can come.” “Thanks, babe!” he said. “Why did you do that for?” Aneko hissed out of the side of her mouth. “I would say no, but he’s too romantic and charming to resist.” Kari hissed back. “So?” Aneko hissed again. “Shut up, you have a boyfriend.” her friend hissed back. This made Aneko feel lonely for her own love. Kari saw she hurt friend’s feeling and said: “I’m sorry, but this is my first time have one.” “I understand.” said Aneko. “Hey girls, what are you talking about up there?” asked Jonathan. “Just girl talk.” said Aneko. “I see.” said Jonathan.
    The trio arrived at the saint’s quarters in half an hour. An angel greeted them and sent the creatures they rode on the healing spa pools. (Nefergemon had to dedigivolve in order to heal properly.) Then she led them down the hall to Boaz. “The boss will see in thirty minutes.” said the secretary. “Sure.” said Aneko. With that, the secretary went into the office and the trio sat down in the office hall. While they were waiting, Aneko came up with an idea. “Psst! Kari. Kari!” Aneko whispered. Her friend looked up at her. “Yes?” she asked. Aneko signaled Kari to come to her. Kari over at Jonathan, who was reading a sports magazine, then quickly flocked over to Aneko’s side. “Yes, what is it?” Kari whispered. “I found a way to get Jonathan off our backs.” Aneko whispered back. Kari grew pale. “But he said he wanted to come with us, and if we let him go, he’ll dump me!” said Kari. “I know, but I don’t want he to get hurt.” whispered the princess. Kari thought about it for a moment, then said: “All right what is it?” Our lady princess looked to see if Jonathan was listening to them. He was too interested into the magazine he was looking at. “I am planning to leave Jonathan here.” whispered Aneko. “But wh…” Kari began to ask. Aneko quickly covered her mouth.  “This is the only safe place. Now are you in or not?” Aneko explained. Kari thought for a moment and then said: “Okay, I’m in.” “Good.” said Aneko. “But just one question…..” Kari began. “Yes?” asked Aneko. Kari looked to see if her boyfriend was listening to them.  He was still too interested into the magazine he was looking at. “How are we going to distract him?” she asked. “I don’t know, I haven’t thought of anything yet.” Aneko answered. Then she sat and thought for a moment. Then the secretary came out of the office. The trio looked up and the secretary said: “The boss will now see you.” “Finally, ‘bout time!” yelled Jonathan. Then the trio rose to their feet and walked into the office. The secretary closed the door behind them. “Who is it?” asked Boaz. “It’s me grandma, Aneko Tskibara, with Kari and another visitor. “Oh, do come in.” said Boaz. The trio came closer. “Now what is it you seek?” asked the old woman. Then she looked out at Jonathan who was looking the paintings on the wall. “And uh…. Who is that handsome young man with you?” she asked. “You tell her, Kari.” said Aneko. Kari blushed and said: “He’s my new boyfriend, Jonathan.” “Oooo!” said Boaz. Then she looked at Aneko. “Where’s Takeru?” she asked. Aneko hung her head and mumbled: “In England, grandma.” “So I heard.” Boaz said softly. There was silence in the room. “So what’s the trouble?” Boaz asked again. Aneko explained the whole situation. “And you don’t know where the ninth gate is?” asked Boaz. Aneko shook her head. “It’s under the sea of Japan.” said the old woman.  The girls fell down. “How are we supposed to get there?” asked Kari. “It’s pretty simple, a portal with open a when a demon is at mouth of it.” explained Boaz. “And which demon are we suppose to follow?” asked Aneko. Boaz looked to see if Jonathan was listening to them. He was too interested into a painting he was looking at. Then Boaz signaled the girls to come to her. They leaned in closer to the old lady. “Follow a demon with a jug of devil water.” Boaz whispered. The girls didn’t get it, but they just nodded. “Could you do us a favor?” asked Aneko. “Yes, what is it?” asked Boaz. Aneko looked to see if Jonathan was listening to them. He was still too interested into that painting he was looking at. “Could Jonathan stay until we get back?” she asked. “Sure deary.” said Boaz. After the girls talked, they got the creatures and rode away. “Hey! Wait for me!” yelled Jonathan as he tried to catch up with them. But the angels grabbed him and dragged him away. “Kari!!!” yelled Jonathan with arm stretched out to her.
    “Did you get her directions?” Kari asked Aneko. “No.” said the princess. “But the least we can do, is try them.” Kari nodded in agreement. So they watched for half an hour and when they were about to leave, they saw a pink demon with a jug of devil water on its shoulders. “That’s it.” whispered Kari. Aneko nodded. Then the girls began to follow it. The demon lead them to the center of the sea. It said an ancient puzzle.  When it had spoken, the sea opened into pitch black hole. “That’s the ninth gate.” Aneko whispered to Kari. Then the demon flew into the hole with Kari, Aneko, Nefergemon, and Jade following behind it. Then the hole closed over.
    “It’s dark in here.” whispered Nefergemon. “Uh-huh.” Aneko whispered. With that, Kari’s amethyst and Aneko’s bloodstone began to light. “That’s better.” whispered Kari.  “But the demon, something, or someone might see us.” whispered Aneko. “Good point!” whispered Kari. So the girls quickly stashed the gems under their shirts. Aneko looked up. “Hey don’t look now, but our guide is gone!” she whispered. “Huh?” said Kari as she looked up.  The demon was gone. “Shhh!” said Aneko. “Right.” whispered Kari. “So now what do we do?” whispered Nefergemon. “Keep following this tunnel, I guess.” Aneko whispered. Then the girls and creatures kept going through the tunnel until they saw another passageway. “Should we go through here?” Kari whispered. “I guess, we have no other choice.” whispered Aneko. Then the duo went through the passageway and a demon court. And in center was a throne and on the throne was the demon girl. Aneko was shocked. The demon girl looked up and saw the princess. “You!” she called out. Aneko was frozen stiff.
    “So you can at last.” said the demon girl. Aneko nodded. “I thought you going to be a no-show!” she yelled. Then the demon girl laughed out loud. “Guards, leave now.” she told the other demons. The demon scattered away fast. “We will only use one attack. Got it?” said the demon girl. “Done.” said Aneko. “Dark supernova!” yelled the demon girl. The dark blast was coming at them fast! “Do something Aneko!” yelled Kari. “This will be simple!” yelled Aneko. Symbols of lights appear on her wrists. “Light shield!” yelled Aneko. A pink light shield formed around her and her friends. (Nefergemon had to dedigivolve so the shield wouldn’t drain her energy.) “Not bad! But try this!” yelled the demon girl. She put more force into it. Aneko tried harder. Gatomon looked for a way to defeat the demon girl. What will happen next?
To Be Continued…..