Chapter ten: The Crystals

    “I… just about found…. the person I’m looking for.” Travis said as he looked at his mini computer. After hours of looking, Travis had found his answer. “Oh my god!!!” he said in shock. Then he quickly got into contact with Sunshine.
    “Sunshine! Sunshine! Are you there?” the immortal of dreams and nightmares said in girl’s mind. “Yes, it’s me. What’s wrong?” she asked. “I was looking for a faster way to rescue you out of the portal so I decided to find the person that touched the machine first and work from there.” Travis began. “Yes…” said Sunshine. “The results trace towards you.” he said sadly. “Yes, I touched to get rid of my nightmares. What’s wrong?” Sunshine answered. “I also looked and saw that the who person who first touched the machine must destroy themselves in order get out of a nightmare.” Travis explained. “Uh… Okay…” Sunshine said nervously. “Think you’re up to it?” asked he. “I’ll do whatever it takes.” Sunshine said finally. “All right… I’ll have Washu bring you back.” said Travis. Sunshine nodded. The little girl felt miserable for bringing her future parents, future sister, and friends into this mess. Now it was up to her to get them out! So she got brave and began walking into the cathedral. “I’m coming!” Sunshine thought. Then she heard her parents scream really loud. “Now I’m really coming!” she thought with anger. Then she ran into the cathedral as fast as little legs could carry her.
    “I told you, Yuri, I don’t have anything you want!” yelled Davis as he was kinda lying on the ground with Yuri standing over him with her blaster at his chest. Melody was pinned up against one of the walls. *A few minutes earlier* Davis woke up on a cold marble floor and looked around. “Where am I?” thought he. The place looked like a church of some sort and it was very empty. Davis as noticed that Sunshine was nowhere in sight as he sat up. “Are you okay?” his future asked him from behind. He turned around and saw Melody standing a few inches away from him staring at him. Davis also saw Veemon standing next to Melody. Davis just eyed his future wife. “Where’s Sunshine?” Veemon asked. “I don’t know.” said Davis. Melody looked a little sad. “And I suppose you don’t know where the girls, do you.” she said. The boy shook his head. “I should have known.” she said. “Don’t worry, we’ll find them.” said Veemon. “I hope you’re right.” said she. Melody was feeling a little better. Then she looked at Davis, who was still sitting on the ground. “Well, come on.” said she. “Uh… Right.” said Davis. Then he got up off the ground and began walking with Melody.
    Yuri invisibly was watching them from the ceiling of the cathedral. “These mortals must be the ones with the crystals I want!!! I’ll use a sneak attack!” she thought. Then she teleported down and began to set up the traps. “This place is creepy!” said Melody. “Well, keep following behind!” Davis whispered harshly. “All right.” Melody whimpered. Then she rushed up behind him. All was fine until Davis had Melody screamed. Davis whirled around to see that Veemon was there and Melody was gone. “Veemon, where’s Melody?” he asked his digimon. “I don’t know.” the creature answered. “Weren’t you with her?” Davis asked frantically. “Uhh…Yeah.” said Veemon. “Then why don’t you know?” the boy asked. “I just don’t know. It’s like she vanished….” said Veemon. Davis was a little creped out. “You don’t….” he began. Veemon’s eyes widened. “*Gasps* Yuri must have gotten her!” yelled Davis Then he heard his future wife scream again. This time it coming from up ahead. “It’s her!!!” yelled Veemon. “Well, why are we standing here for, let’s save her!!!!!” yelled Davis. Then the two of them began running down the hall to his future wife from Yuri.
    When the boys got into the room where they heard the scream, they Melody chained up to a wall. “Melody!” her future husband yelled. “Davis! Get me down!” she yelled. “I’m coming sweetie!” he yelled. He was running to her when Yuri popped up in front of him and knocked him down. Davis was taken-aback and fell over. He used his hands to break his fall and to balance himself. Yuri put her blaster to his chest. “What do you want?” he asked the lady demon. “You and your future wife have the powerful gems I want to give me longer life!” yelled Yuri. “Huh?” he asked. “Don’t play dumb! Now where is it?!?” asked Yuri.
    *Now* “I’m not stupid! I know you have it!” Yuri shrieked. “Leave them alone!” yelled a small voice. They turned to see Sunshine standing on the shrine with her arms folded across her chest. “Oh, and what’s a runt like you do to save your stupid parents?!?” Yuri asked in sarcastically. “A lot.” answered the little girl. This gave Veemon a chance to attack. “V head butt!” he yelled. He rammed Yuri in the stomach. The lady demon dropped her blaster onto the ground near the shrine. Sunshine leapt down and grabbed the blaster. Once she got her hands on it she jumped back onto the shrine. While the action was going on, Melody managed to free herself from the wall. She looked up and saw her future daughter with Yuri’s blaster pointing to her chest. “Sunshine! Nooooooooo!” she cried out. “Sayonara momma, daddy, Veemon.” the little girl said in a weak voice. Then it happened so fast that Melody couldn’t believe her eyes. But it was true! Sunshine had blasted herself into dust. Now all that was left was a big clear crystal gem. Melody was in tears of anger. Yuri was laughing. Davis and Veemon were upset. “That sweet child…. *sniff* She was only a kid! *Sniff* AND YOU HAD TO GO AND MAKE HER DESTROY HERSELF!!!” yelled Melody. Then her conch shell charm necklace began to glow. “Huh?” asked Yuri. Then Melody’s conch shell flute turned into a sword. Then the immortal of nature charged towards the demon lady with tears of fury. “What the…..!!!” yelled the lady demon. Then Melody jumped up and with one blow of her sword, destroyed Yuri’s gem. The demon screamed as she dissolved into dust. Melody landed on her feet panting. “Whoa!!!” Davis yelled in shock. Veemon was too stunned for words.
    Then a bright light flashed and Travis appeared. The three of them looked at the immortal of dreams and nightmares. “I’ve made a way back for you guys.” said he. “But….” Melody began. “Hai…” said Travis. “What about Sunshine?” she asked. “Washu’s going to handle that.” he answered. Melody nodded. “Now hold out your hands, the others are waiting.” said the immortal of dreams and nightmares. Davis, Melody, and Veemon complied. Then Travis transported them back to Earth. There, Washu brought Sunshine back to life and put her into Beck. The girl didn’t like it at first, but then she got used to it. Noizchild: So there ends our Dream Saga.
The End
Author’s note: I liked the idea at first but then after I wrote this, I didn’t enjoy. I’m just glad it’s over now!