Blue Desert

Dateline: Cameron and Mitch went to Harrisburg where it was separated by hate. Two kids, Nikka and Steven, ran away because they were in love. Cameron and Mitch and helped them and their neighborhood by marrying Nikka and Steven together.

    “What time is it?” Cameron asked me. I took out Megan’s little gold watch that I had in my pajama pocket and looked at the time. “It’s says it’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon but it’s pitch black.” I answered in confusion. We were in a desert and it looked like nighttime without a single star in the sky. “That’s because it’s the holy holiday.” said she. “Huh?” I asked. “This is the holiday where the desert people pray to Olympia to give them health, luck, and rain.” my angel explained. “Who?” I asked. Cameron explained the whole holiday deal to me. “Oh and how do we know all of this?” asked I to her. “Research.” she answered with a simile. “Ah. Careful, the more ya know, the more vulnerable you are.” I cautioned jokily. “Na-uh!” she said. Then we laughed aloud.

    “Mitchell, look!” Cameron yelled. I looked up and saw a group of nuns. “So?” I asked. “Let’s follow them.” said she. “Right.” I said. Then we trailed them.

    We followed the nuns down to this black tent. Rather than going in and disturbing them, Cameron and I knelt down and listened. They were praying and talking. “What are we going to do, sisters? Inusha keeps attacking our villages and saying there in no Olympia.” one of nuns said. “Inusha?” I whispered to Cameron. She got onto her computer along with me. “Inusha: a demon with the head of a dog, body of a dragon, wings of an eagle, and feet of a toad. Its element is fire and air. Its strongest attack is lava rain which can destroy a whole country.” the info read. “A monster like this attacking a desert?!? What a disgrace!” I thought angrily. We listened to the nuns again. “If the Fantasy Realm warriors fight this demon, they’ll cause a lot of trouble on our holiday of peace.” they were saying. Cameron looked me and I walked away. She followed me and I led her to nowhere.
    “So what are we going to do?” Cameron asked me. “Fight the creature.” I answered with bravado.  “What?!?” she yelled. “Yes.” I responded. Then I turned to her. She was paler than snow. I walked over to her and grabbed her wrist. “Not the way that you’re thinking. We’ll find another way, I promise.” I said serenely. Cameron began to calm down. Then we sat down, logged onto our computers and began to research this Inusha so more.
    With the help of some villagers, Cameron and I were on the trail of Inusha. Moments later, we found him feasting on a fat rabbit from one of the attacked villages. My companion and I quietly approached the eating beast. With much bravado, I stepped up to him and yelled: “Hey Inusha!” Cameron was angry with me for that. The demon looked at us, stood up, and flew over to where we were standing. (Woo! He was taller than I thought!) “Yes?” said he. I swallowed hard and said: “I have a challenge for you?” He laughed. “Oh? And what is that?!?” Inusha asked. I swallowed hard again and said: “I like to challenge you to a dual in the oasis!” I yelled. Inusha laughed again. “I’ll take it!” he yelled. Cameron and I grinned. Then the demon grabbed us and took us to the nearest oasis.
    When we got to our destination, Inusha threw us onto sand bank and flew over to the other side. Cameron and I rose to our feet. “Okay, we’ll only use one attack.” I explained. The beast grinned. I pulled out my razor gun and Cameron pulled out her flower disks. The dual began and we put our plan into action. We just basically just tired him out by running around. When we got him at a weak point, Cameron and I attacked together. Inusha turned, took a few steps, and fell into dust. Once him died, Cameron and I headed back to the desert villages.
    When we returned to the villages, Cameron and I told the villagers about our dual. They were pleased and thanked us. But when Cameron and I were ready to hit the road, they stopped us. The villagers said we couldn’t leave until the holiday was over. Feeling there was no choice, we agreed to stay. This was going to be a long holiday.
To Be Continued….