Chapter Forty-Three: The End of Hitomi-sensei:
-March 24th,
Hitomi knew it
was over when she met with the hunters for the last time that night. She already
prepared everything. Kato would have all the information needed to take down the
Eda-Kimoto once and for all. Same with the hunters. Hitomi cut all of her past
ties. She even gave up her home. The kitsune was ready to die.
But, Hitomi
wasn’t prepared for who was waiting for her outside of the secret hideout of the
hunters’ group. Her eyes widened when she stepped outside.
A young woman
with long dark hair dressed in a rich blue kimono stood at the end of the path.
Nothing about her gave away anything known.
Hitomi tilted
her head. “Aki… -san?”
“Good evening,
Hitomi-chan,” the kitsune said.
“What are you
doing here?”
“I came to talk
with you.”
The former
teacher narrowed her eyes. “Does Haruka-sama know you’re here?”
The other
kitsune gave her a puzzled look. “Excuse me?”
“I came here
alone,” Aki said. “Haruka-sama doesn’t know I’m here.” Hitomi covered her agape
mouth. So it was true.
“But why me?”
she asked. Aki took a step towards the barrier line.
“I don’t think I
have to give you a reason,” she said. “It will be in your best interest to come
with me now. I can’t reach you from here.” Hitomi looked behind her. The lights
had already gone out in the house. Aki rolled her eyes.
“If I wanted to
kill you, I would’ve broken this barrier and done it alright,” she said. “Just
come on already.” Hitomi pressed her lips together and lowered her head.
“Alright,” she
muttered. The kitsune walked through the barrier and followed Aki.
The women came
out to a field. Hitomi held her breath as they walked. This had to be a trap,
she could feel it in her gut. The kitsune ran her fingertips along her metal
heart locket. Aki froze in her tracks.
“This is far
enough,” she said.
“Huh?” Hitomi
asked. The other kitsune turned around.
“How long?” she
“Excuse me?” the
former teacher asked.
“Don’t lie to
me. I know you betrayed the mistress. I want to know how long.”
Hitomi counted
up on her fingers. “A few months now.”
“I see…”
The former
teacher tapped her locket. What’s with this thick air around them? Aki was hard
to read, but something was off about her.
“When did your
link to Haruka-sama get so weak?” Hitomi asked. The other kitsune chucked.
“Has it become
that obvious?” she asked. Aki flipped back her hair.
“Quite some time
since the Mother returned,” she said.
“We know how
this will end for us all,” Hitomi said.
“So why do you
“You already
know the answer to that. I can’t do anything else.” Aki’s smile was colder than
“We aren’t like
you and the Mother,” she added. “We don’t have an actual body to latch onto.
When our masters die, we die.”
Hitomi narrowed
her eyes. “But your connections are weakening.”
“We still die if
they die.”
“But what does
this have to do with me?”
Aki smiled and
shook her head. “I’m sorry, but can you please die?”
“What?” Hitomi
“Look, we’re
already falling apart. You are a traitor now and you must die.” Aki noticed the
lack of emotion on the former teacher’s face.
What’s with her? Why isn’t she afraid to
die? Aki wrinkled her nose.
I don’t like this.
“Hey, why aren’t
you afraid?” she asked. “You are going to die. I am going to kill you for
betraying us. Does that not scare you?”
“No.” Hitomi’s
tone sounded so empty. Aki couldn’t see anything in her eyes. Hitomi smiled and
shook her head.
“It’s funny,”
she said. “I knew I was going to die, but it doesn’t scare me anymore. I gave up
everything—my job, my home, and even my relationship with Haruka-sama. I have
nothing left. So, no. I am not afraid.” Aki gritted her teeth.
“You!” she
shouted. “Don’t sound so arrogant!”
“I’m not. I am
only speaking the truth. If you want to kill me, go ahead. But it won’t change
the fact that the end is coming for the Eda-Kimoto clan. You and Haruka-sama
should know by now!”
“Shut up!” Aki
shouted. She ran forward and drew her claws together into a blade. Hitomi
unhooked the big heart charm from the locket chain. She didn’t try to resist.
The blade went
upwards into Hitomi’s heart. The former teacher coughed up blood. Aki drew back
her blade and claws. Blood dripped and spilled on the grass. Aki had no emotion
on her face as Hitomi fell to the ground.
traitor and precious friend,” she said in a whisper. Hitomi could still hear and
see the other kitsune as she kissed her on the fore head and walked away.
It didn’t matter
Hitomi lay alone
in an abandoned field, staring up at the dark morning sky. Blood stained her
light pink kimono. The chain of her locket lay inches away. A little smile
spread across her face.
It’s done. I am finally free.
The kitsune drew her eyes closed for the last time.