An Old Friend Turns Evil

Dateline: Sepheroth and ladies came along. The girls a kidnapped Tai and Agumon by mistake. And now Sepheroth is turning Tai and Agumon evil.

    Tai and Agumon were still the fire when Sepheroth walked over to them. The flames around Tai were getting low. To Sepheroth that meant: Tai was almost evil. Agumon took longer. "Arise! For now you are in darkness and out of the light!" he said. With that, Tai rose up with hatred in his eyes.

    "So you're saying, these four girls came along and kidnapped Tai and Agumon/" said Jimmy. "Yes." said Grace calmly. "Uh-huh." said Jessi. "Don't you see?!? Some mean ladies took my daddy!!!!" yelled Kristy as she stood up. "Claim down dear." said Grace. "Right." said the fire immortal. Then she sat down. "Somehow I think, those girls meant to kidnap you but they grabbed Tai and Agumon on accident." said Katrina. "But the question is: Where is he now?" asked Sabrina. "And how do we get him back?" asked Jen. "I don't know." said Grace. Kristy stood back up. "YOU DON'T KNOW?!? YOU DON'T KNOW?!? YOUR SUPPOSE TO KNOW BECAUSE YOU'RE THE LEADER!!!!" yelled Kristy as she shook Grace as hard as she could. "K-K-Kristy c-c-c-claim d-d-down!!!" said Grace. "HOW CAN I CLAIM DOWN!!!!" yelled Kristy. Alex and Katrina had to pry Kristy Grace in order to claim her down. "We'll look for Tai and Agumon as hard as we can." said Grace. "You better!" said Kristy. "We'll starting now." said Grace. "That's more like it." said Kristy. Then the children got up and left.
    "Those little brats are looking for you." said Sepheroth. Tai nodded. Amberus poked her head into the door. "Is Agumon ready yet?" asked Sepheroth. Amberus came into room with Agumon in her arms. "All ready to go." she said. The digimon's eyes were glowing red. Amberus looked at the screen and saw the children looking for Tai. "Those kids again." she said. "You know what to do." said Sepheroth. "Oh Yes, I do." said Tai.  "Take the girls with you." said Sepheroth. "Sure." said Tai. Then he and the girls teleported to the ground.
    "Have you found him yet?" asked Kristy. "Not yet." said Grace. "Look! It's Tai!" yelled Jimmy as he pointed to him standing short distance away. "Daddy!!!!!!!!!" yelled Kristy as she ran over to him with open arms. Katrina, Tiffany, and Grace could sense something wrong. "Kristy stop!" yelled Grace. But it was too late, Kristy had hugged Tai. He pushed her away violently. Jen caught her. "Daddy what are you doing?" she asked. He didn't answer her. Tears were running from Kristy's eyes. Katrina got onto her little computer. The readings shocked her. "You guys! Tai has been brainwashed!" she yelled. The children were shocked! Kristy gasped. "Why are you so shocked? It's your daddy." he said. "What about Agumon?" asked Jimmy. "Oh here he is." said Tai. Agumon came out of a black hole. The children saw his glowing red eyes. "Nooooo!" yelled Kari. She burst into tears. "Don't cry. Allow me to introduce you to some of my friends." Tai said evilly. The children were silent. "Ultmacica." he said. Then Ultmacica came out of a black hole. "Noi." he said. Then Noi came out of another black hole. "Shir." he said. Then Shir came out of another black hole. "And last but not least, Amberus." said Tai. Then Amberus came out of another black hole. Then it came Grace these same girls that attack them. "It's you guys!" she yelled. "You are one smart kid." said Amberus. "Now be a good little good girl and come with us." said Ultmacica. "Forget it!" yelled Grace. "That was not an option!" yelled Ultmacica as she began flying closer to her. Grace became scared. "Hearts whip!" yelled Venus. She whipped Ultmacica in the hand. "Tai, girls!" yelled Sepheroth. Tai and the girls looked up. "Retreat. We have bigger plans." he said. "But why?" asked Amberus. "Don't ask questions! Just get over here!" he yelled. "We'll be back!" yelled Shir. Then Tai and the girls teleported away. Kristy was in tears. She walked over to Grace and on her sleeve. "Don't worry we'll get her back." said Grace. Then she looked up at the sky. "You can count on that!" she thought.
The End