Getting High with the Girls
Yes, there were the drugs. Of course there had to be. They were part of the Factory after all. Pandora and Jemima didn't really partake. The other girls didn't mind it for some reason. The drug use had to stay hidden from hotel staff, of course. Couldn't risk going to jail during filming.
Jenny was the one to make the first connection.
"Uh-huh. You're going to bring it by?" she asked over the phone. The vocalist listened for a moment. Her lips curved into a smirk.
"Great! What time?" Jenny asked. She listened with bated breath. The vocalist looked like she was about to fly away.
"Perfect! I'll meet you at the restaurant. Bye," she said. Jenny hung up with a smile on her face. She turned and walked back into the hotel. Now this was going to be a party. Karaoke, booze, and men were fun, but she had to have more. Jenny was happy to give it.
Toshiko had marijuana, but she wasn't sharing it. Jamica and Savannah pouted at her.
"Oh, come on, Toshiko!" they wailed. "Give us a hit!"
"No," the actress growled. She put up her shoulder to block them when they tried to grab at her pot. Toshiko wrinkled her nose and walked off. The models frowned.
"Bitch!" Jamica yelled after her. Toshiko stuck up her middle finger as she walked away. Rest assured, there will be plenty more pot soon.
Candy still had her stash of pills that she brought with her. When she got up on the morning of day three, she frowned.
"Oh..." she mumbled. When did she run out? What did she even do last night? Looked like it was time to call in for another stash. But how was she going sneak Oto into the hotel without being seen? Candy sat on the bed, frowning in thought. Suddenly, her phone rang.
"Hello?" Candy asked.
"How are you on pills?" Jenny asked. The actress froze.
"Why?" she asked.
"My guy is coming tonight. I can help you get hooked up with more pills," the vocalist said. Candy's eyes widened.
"Are you serious?" she asked.
"Yeah," Jenny said. Candy rose to her feet.
"Sweet!" she shouted. "I knew we could count on you!" Jenny laughed.
"Anything for a good time," she said. The vocalist hung up on the other line. Candy broke down squealing and dancing the room. This high train was going to keep on going. She went into the bathroom to put on her make-up and get dressed for the day.