Chapter Two: Jessie:

She was a wreck. Jessie had escaped from home. She found him back in August. Hisoka awoke to scratching on his door.

“What is it?” he mumbled, walking down the hall. The shinigami drew open the door. His eyes widened in shock.

“Jessie?” he asked. The demon looked worse than hell. Her face had bruises all over. She looked like she had been crying. More tears streamed down her face. The rain washed away the dried blood off of her skin, hair, and clothes in vain. More bruises and cuts covered her body. Her lips murmured something almost inaudible.

“Hi… so… ka…” Jessie murmured. She collapsed into his arms. Hisoka caught her in shock.

“Jessie?” he asked. “Jessie? Jessie!” He ended up caring for her most of the summer. She didn’t speak or move. Hisoka fed and bathed her. Tonight would be no different.

“You hungry?” Hisoka asked. He took slow steps forward.

“I’ll go make some soup,” he whispered. Hisoka didn’t know why he was doing this. Everything he went through with Jessie was still fresh on his mind. She put him through hell. All of the drugs, drinking, fighting, and crime still haunted him. He should be hating her. Yet here he was, making her soup. Hisoka couldn’t understand why.

He carried the soup into the living room. “Here you are,” the shinigami whispered. He pulled out a spoon and began feeding Jessie. The soup drabbled down her mouth. Hisoka wiped it away.

This wasn’t like her. He couldn’t even feel anything from her. The demon’s emotions were dead inside. He couldn’t even see what happened to her. Hisoka still had questions for his ex. Why did she come to him? What happened to her? In any case, no one else could know Jessie was here.

Hisoka gave her the last spoonful. He took the bowl back to the kitchen. He’s been doing this for six weeks now. Even Hisoka wondered if it would end. He didn’t know how to help Jessie. The boy couldn’t go to anyone either. Maybe, this was a test. Would he succumb to that dark period in his life again? Hisoka shook his head.

I can’t think about that, he thought. She needs me now. I can’t abandon her. Hisoka had to take care of her. He turned and headed back to the living room. Tonight was rather quiet. The difference from their nights together in the past chilled him.

I don’t know how to take this! It’s almost creepy. He sat down next to Jessie.

“I wish I could do more to help you,” he said. Her blank eyes gave him nothing. He touched her hand again. Nothing filled his head. Hisoka looked her in the eye. What happened to you?

Hisoka might not have seen it yet, but he will unlock a new level of hell for them.  For now, all remained quiet. He pulled her to her feet.

“Let’s get your bath ready,” Hisoka whispered. He led her down the hall. Tonight will be no different. In fact, he predicted what would come next. Bath time and bed time would follow. Hisoka undressed and washed Jessie. Pretty ironic, really. He was the broken one in the relationship and now the roles switched. Still, it hurt to see her like this. Hisoka should’ve turned back at that thought. He could just quietly have cared for her like this until she got better.

However, the plan changed when he put her up that September night.