Liz's Bio

Name: Elizabeth Nicole Burns

AKA: Liz, Lizzie, and Nikki

Birthdate: 3/3/82

Age: 20

P.O.B.: Sydney, Australia

Species: Kamimortal

Occupation: Writer and student

Hair: Cinnamon blonde

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'4.5"

Love Status: Engaged

Likes: Anime, Matt, manga, clubbing, sports, boomerangs, dogs, soda, sailing, Heart, Gorillaz, Muppets, Green Day, rock, Australia, paddle-boarding, Savage Garden, horror films, action films, quizzes, polls, Charlie Brown, Cure, Clash, junk food, Lenny Kravitiz, yoga, Kelly Clarkson, Monty Python, road trips, Muse, No Doubt, beach, driving, shorts, jeans, skiing, snowboarding, water skiing, Dave Matthews Band, lacy underwear, drinking, comics, basketball, Internet, and camping

Outfit: Dark blue tank top, grey short shorts, white ankle socks, brown hiking boots with tan laces, dark blue jean jacket, and a teal headband

Jeep: Predator

Animal Chibi: Koala

    Liz is an adventure girl. She lived with her dad and two younger brothers. Her parents divorced when she was five. So Liz had to play mother and sister to her brothers. To be honest, she wasn't really good at doing girly things. She had grown into quite a tomboy. The only time she even wore a dress was to one of her cousin's weddings. So, her father did most of the cooking and cleaning while his daughter did the more "manly" chores around the house. She didn't mind, however. "It build up character to her."

    A descendant of Helen, Liz ate a piece of the dead maiden's heart in a fish. Helen took care of her for ninety days. In high school, the Aussie became quite popular with both the guys and girls. She played on the girls' basketball team through her junior and senior years. However by graduation, some of her tomboy quality began to die away in the slowest way possible. She soon found herself thinking about her future and maybe getting married when the right one came along.

    At eighteen, Liz was free to go away to college. There, she met the dreamy Matt and they fell in love. They dated for two years and at the age of twenty, Matt purposed to Liz and she accepted. On top of that, she met Noiz through Louise and landed a job at TZA. She is one of the few ladies there that keeps everyone else in line. Noiz, Polly, Maggie, and Ann are all trying to drag her into the "TZA Wives Club" when she and Matt get married. Now that she engaged, she's starting to think about having children as well. Liz has a dog named Thunder.