Chapter Forty-One: Missing Pieces:
March 15th, 2011
Watari stared at
his notes scattered all over his desk. Charlotte’s tests were difficult to read
through. He had a problem getting to the source. The scientist rubbed his
“You are
resistant, aren’t you?” he asked. The blonde scientist looked behind him when
the door opened.
“Oh, you’re
here,” he said. Tatsumi stared at him, blinking.
“You wanted to
see me?” he asked.
“Yes, come look
at this,” Watari said. The secretary walked over to the desk.
“Tell me what
you see,” the blonde scientist said. Tatsumi looked at the papers.
“What am I
looking at?” he asked.
“Living tissue,”
Watari said. Tatsumi looked up.
“What?” he
asked. “Is this from the core farm case?”
“Yes,” Watari
“What’s the
Watari pulled
out one photo. “This. This is Charlotte-san’s latest scan.” He pointed to a
white dot in the middle of the black and grey.
“This is the
core itself,” the blonde scientist said. Tatsumi narrowed his eyes and tilted
his head.
“Let me guess,
you can’t reach it?” he suggested.
“Yes,” Watari
said, nodding.
“Why is that?”
“Living tissue.
Let me show you.” He turned and pulled out a spreadsheet chart.
“The core itself
is surrounded by living tissue,” Watari said. Tatsumi read over the results.
“I go to cut
into the tissue, but…” the blonde scientist continued.
“It grows back?”
Tatsumi finished.
“Too fast I
would like to add.” Watari pointed to the spreadsheet.
“I counted up
the regeneration rates of each cut,” he said. “Forty-eight times. Each time, the
healing factor increases with each cut.”
“The last one
was eight seconds, huh?” Tatsumi asked. He looked up at Watari.
“How powerful is
this core?”
“I don’t know. I
can’t get close enough for a proper reading. I can’t use any chemicals to kill
the tissue. They might hurt Charlotte-san and do irreversible damage to her
At first, it
didn’t make sense to Tatsumi. He looked at the picture and then the spreadsheet.
“What are you
saying?” he asked. “Do you mean to tell me…?”
“Yes,” Watari
“It hurts her enough when I
cut into the tissue.”
“So… why did you
call me here?” Tatsumi asked. Watari perked up with a gleam in his glasses.
“Ah! I thought
your shadows could be of some good use.” The secretary raised an eyebrow.
“How?” he asked.
“I just might
have an idea,” the blonde scientist said, winking. Tatsumi’s eye twitched at his
-The Next Day-
Charlotte and
Takashi sat on the other side of the test room. The angel held his roommate’s
hand. On the other side of the glass, Watari picked up his microphone.
Charlotte-san, we’re going to try something different.”
Charlotte said. The blonde scientist turned to April, Tatsumi, and Kyosuke.
“Are we ready to
begin?” he asked.
“Yes,” his team
“Good,” Watari
said. He drew out his scalpel and cut into the living tissue in the black and
gold box. Charlotte winced as she squeezed Takashi’s hand on the other side of
the room.
“Ow,” she
“Hold on,
Charlotte-san,” Watari said. “We’re just about done here.” The test subject
clenched her teeth as she nodded. The blonde scientist turned to Tatsumi.
“Now!” he said.
“I don’t know how long it will stay open this time.” Tatsumi held out his hand.
Smoky shadows flew out and into the box. Charlotte whimpered louder.
“How long will
this hold?” Kyosuke asked.
“Three minutes
without killing her at most,” Watari said. “I will have to act fast.” He took
his scalpel and plunged it into the core. Charlotte’s pain-filled scream was
loud enough to shake the glass.
“Hold on,
Charlotte-san,” Watari repeated. “I’m just about done here. I just need one more
“One more?” she
“Yes. I am just…
about…” Watari’s hand moved slow, but gracefully with his scalpel. He lifted up
a piece of the woman’s core with the tip of his blade.
“Done!” the
blonde scientist said. His hands were quick to put the sample in a glass tube
and seal it. Tatsumi drew back his shadows. Charlotte collapsed back into her
seat, panting as the tissue in the box closed up.
“Thank you!”
Watari said over the mic. “You did good.” Charlotte flashed a weak V-sign.
“Now what?”
Kyosuke asked. Watari turned to his assistants and grinned.
“Now we run the
analysis on the sample and hopefully collect a clue on the core farm,” he said.
The blonde scientist turned to Charlotte and Takashi across the room.
“You will help
Charlotte-san to rest and drink fluids like usual, yes?” he asked the blind
angel over the mic.
“Yes,” Takashi
“Very good,” Watari said. “April, Kyosuke, come! We’ve got work to do!” The lab assistants followed their boss to another section of the lab. Tatsumi returned to his post.