Chapter Ten: My
The Mother
couldn’t chase away his voice. Anna fought to resist the hunter’s siren’s song.
Airi floated over her vessel as she hurled up into a ball.
“Anna,” she
said. Anna turned over in her futon.
“I can’t stand
his voice,” she whimpered. “Thinking about it makes want to vomit.”
“You have to
tough it through,” Airi said. “This is part of the plan.”
“I don’t like
it,” her vessel said. The kitsune frowned.
“Yes, you’re
told me this several times,” she said. Anna pulled the pillow over her head.
Airi threw back her head and groaned.
“Fine,” she
said. “I’ll help you out.”
“You mean it?”
Anna asked. The Mother rolled her eyes.
“You are just as
annoying as Asato and that old man,” she muttered. Airi vanished into thin air.
Her eyes scanned
the empty space around her. His voice echoed louder here. Airi snorted and
clicked her tongue.
“Okay! I know
you are here!” she shouted. “Come out and show yourself!” Thunder rumbled above
her. Airi folded her arms across her chest.
“Okay,” she
said. “If that’s how you want to play it…” Airi drew in a deep breath and blew
out a long string of fire. The empty space lit up faster than a candle soaked in
gasoline. Airi’s eyes slowly shifted back and forth.
Come on… Come out you bastard! Her
eyes moved forward.
“There!” she
shouted. Airi stared down a pair of soulless back eyes.
“Heh,” she said.
the eyes said. “You’re just as good as I imagined you to be.” Airi sneered.
“I won’t bother
asking who you are,” she said. “What are you after? Who sent you?” The eyes
“You,” he said.
“You are what we are after.”
“We?” The Mother
blinked. “Who is this we? And why me? Why are you so interested in me?”
“My employer.
That’s all I can tell you.”
“And why is
“Let’s just say
I don’t like giving away spoilers.”
“Really?” The
Mother’s right eyes twitched.
The hell?
Who’s this guy?
“As for what
make you special,” the eyes said. “Well, let’s just say you are just his type.”
“His type?” the
Mother asked.
“Yes,” they
said. “You’ll have to meet them yourself and see.” A high wind blew past her.
“Wait!” the
Mother yelled. A burning sensation appeared above her chest. She clinched her
teeth and looked down. The Kanji for “rose” formed on her skin. More letters
formed, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. It didn’t take long for
her to figure out the calling card.
“Heh,” the
Mother said. “Well, okay. If that’s how it’s going to be…” She stuck her hand up
in the air.
“Come at me,
bitch!” the kitsune shouted. She vanished into thin air.
Meanwhile, the
client sat in his office with a glass of scotch in his hand. He smirked as he
felt the tingle run through his body.
“Perfect,” he
said. “Now we can begin our game.” He finished his drink, smirking. Visions of
his prize danced in his head as he sat his glass down on the desk.
“Round one begins,” the client muttered. His laughter filled the darkness.