Personal Jesus

Riley doesn’t know how to handle this. Melissa just inserted herself into her life and now she won’t leave. The thief grinned at her.

“Hey, bestie!” she said the next morning. Riley frowned at her.

“Don’t do that,” she said. Her new… whatever she is giggled. Riley climbed out of bed. Her morning wasn’t going to change.


Another day at school. Riley looked over her shoulder. No one there. She didn’t hold her breath. Riley shoved her hands in her pockets.

“I know you’re there,” she said to herself. Melissa giggled. The girl rolled her eyes.

She made it to school. Riley braced herself at the door. She knew what was coming next.

Three… Two…


She pushed open the doors. Many thoughts flooded her head.

This is lame!

Such a pig!

She’s not that great!

What’s with that hair?

Riley tried to tune out the thoughts. The morning was the worst part. She just needed to get to class. The girl pushed herself to keep walking. That didn’t stop thoughts from coming.

I can’t miss basketball practice.

I want her to like me.

He’s cheating on me again.

My teacher is so hot.

There’s that weirdo.


Don’t look at me, you freak.

Riley was used to those insults by now. Not like she was going to change their minds.

Meanwhile, Melissa saw everything.

“Hm, interesting,” she said. This was going to be more fun. But first, Melissa needed a couple more things. The thief vanished into thin air.


Meanwhile in Hell, two men sat over a crystal ball.

“My lord! We found her!” one of the hooded men said. A king in black stood up from his throne.

“Get her,” he growled.

“Yes, my lord!” the men said. They too vanished into thin air. The Prince of Darkness gritted his teeth.

“I will get you, Melissa,” he said.


Quinn’s body went stiff as he sat up in bed. His eyes started glowing a blood red.