Ride with the Devil

He is not happy with what’s going on. Those annoying little angels had to go and ruin everything. He already caught on to what they were doing. He tried to trap that boy but the angels were quick to get him away. Since then, it’s been a frustrating chase. He could just wait it out and see the boy’s soul break down in and be trapped on the other side, but that’s not how he does things.

Right now, he is way off-course. The angels are trying to guide him back to the right path. It made it easy for him to track the boy. But he can’t reach him. So annoying, really. That was going to have to change.

Where was that boy now? He looked at the map is his head. Oh, there he was. But then, he paused.

What’s this?  He narrowed his eyes for a better look. That’s when he saw what was on the back of the boy’s hand. Was that…? No. This wouldn’t do. How was he getting help from the other trapped souls. He growled as he clicked his tongue.

“No!” he growled. The flames up jumped around his body. Change of plans. He put his fingers into his mouth and whistled. Little black lights popped up around him. The man calmed down and lowered his hand to his side.

“Go!” he shouted. The black lights shot up in the sky. He threw back his head and laughed. If he can’t reach him himself, they certainly can. When the last light was gone, he stopped laughing and smiled to himself. Now to sit back and enjoy the show.

He disappeared back to his throne room.