Shannon and Ryan


The party never stops for my sister. Though, I wish it would. I have always been the responsible one. I can’t take it anymore. Why am I the one to clean up her mess? This latest… mishap is going to kill us.

Let me explain. I have a lot to unpack here.

Five nights ago, Shannon got invited out to his underground club. I told her no.

“You are not going out there,” I said.

“And why not?” she asked.

“You don’t know anything about this place!” I said. “You could be kidnapped and trafficked!” She laughed at me.

“Don’t be silly!” Shannon said. “That rarely happens.”

“Still… It could!” I said. Shannon rolled her eyes.

“You’re lame,” she said.

“I don’t want you to die,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said. My stomach turned. Oh great. Now, I was going to have play baby-sitter. Damn it. I didn’t want to do this. I wanted to stay home. My girlfriend wonders why I bother.

“You have to let her go,” she told me. I sighed and shook my head.

“She’s my sister,” I said. “I have to look after her.”

“But she’s running you into the ground,” my girlfriend said. “You can’t keep thing up anymore. You have to start thinking about yourself.” Now, I wished that I had listened to her she said.

I was in bed when my phone buzzed on my nightstand. I muttered to myself as I felt around for it.

“Hello?” I asked. I heard pounding music in the background. A confused look came over my face.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Ryan!” a familiar voice shouted on the other line. I quickly sat up.

“Shannon?” I asked. “Shannon, is that you?” She slurred her words. I narrowed my eyes.

“Where are you?” I asked. “Are you drunk?” Shannon laughed like a drunk donkey.

“Don’t ask stupid questions!” she shouted. I rolled my eyes.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“Guess!” she shouted. My stomach dropped. Don’t tell me…

“Stay right there!” I shouted. “I’m com--!” She already hung up. Or the call dropped.

“Hello? Hello?” I asked. I stared at my phone as my stomach sank.

“Baby?” I heard next to me. I turned over in bed.

“Baby? Where are you going?” she asked. I didn’t answer as I got dressed. I rushed out the door.

“Ryan!” my girlfriend screamed. I didn’t have time to turn around. I only had the email I copied from Shannon’s phone when she wasn’t looking. I cursed myself as I kept running down the street. She’s really done it this time. I only hoped that I would get to her in time.

Looking back when I think about that night, I should’ve stayed in bed. My girlfriend was right. Because now Shannon and I will die next year--- on the Fire Festival.