
Makoto doesn’t really believe in anything. He knows about the hidden realm; that doesn’t count for him. However, he didn’t really believe in anything else. If you told him that angels existed, Makoto would probably just roll his eyes at you and sneer.

However, she’s different.

She doesn’t act like an angel. She’s rude, gun-happy, potty-mouthed, cranky, and out of control. Yet, he finds himself drawn to her. Makoto can’t really explain it himself. She just appeared in his life and now she refuses to leave. She refuses to tell him way either. It just kind of happened, to be honest.

Both of them have different version of how this meeting came about. The common elements are: a soda, fight, rude behavior, and storming off. Maybe the soda was a bottle of juice. That little detail doesn’t really matter, though. This meeting took place and it just added more damage to the course of fate already unfolding. Like everyone else, Makoto and the angel don’t know how it happened or how to stop it. The incident done fucked everything up. Yet, they don’t see it or care at the moment.

They might as well go along for the ride while they are at it. Makoto and the angel live on in their rebellion until the acts really begin. However, it is not time to fully get into their story just yet. That is to be saved for later. Later as in the time when heaven, earth, and hell all cross paths and ignite a reaction that sucks in all parties with no exit strategy what so ever. The only thing they will have to survive this mess is each other. Yet, that is not until later. Right now, let us get back to the current storyline at hand.

Meanwhile back in Tokyo…