The Storm Opens Everything


It took about five nights. Five nights and so many secrets came out. Max caused a crack in the dam and now the leaks kept coming. We didn’t even know how to stop it. I turned and looked behind me. No one was speaking. I can’t really read the air. The angels keep looking out the window as if looking for something. Jules won’t even make eye contact with me. I turned around my friends.

“Uh…” I spoke up. All eyes flew on me. I closed my eyes and looked down at my hands.

“Never mind,” I muttered. Oh boy…

Have we even tried to go outside? Nobody has even tried. I thought about, but I don’t know why I haven’t done it. My hand touched the doorknob but then I took it off. It just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t explain it. We really need to go out and get supplies.

I sat down on the floor as I reflect on how we all got to this point. The more I think about it, the more I don’t like it. I paused when I felt someone standing over me. I slowly lifted my head. Baby Doll stood over me with no emotion on her face.

“Baby Doll?” I asked. She reached out and touched me atop my head. Baby Doll moved her lips, but no sound came out. Then, her voice came through my head quite piercing. Those eight words were enough to break me to what would unfold around us.

I have seen all and the end starts hard.

She collapsed in front of me as I came to. Baby Doll looked like she was falling in slow motion right before my eyes. It just happened in a flash. Everyone was surrounding her, shaking her awake. I drew my knees to my chest and started trembling.

What did she mean by that? More importantly, was that really her talking just now?