Chapter Nine: Unfavorable:
All three adults
sat in the living room. Aiguo eyed them from the recliner.
“What do you
want?” Tsuzuki asked, glaring. Aiguo pressed his fingers together.
“I will get to
the heart of the matter,” he said. “My name is Aiguo and I am the head of
Viper’s Teeth.”
Tsuzuki raised
an eyebrow. “Viper’s Teeth as in the Hong Kong mob?”
“Correct. Are
you familiar with the legend of the 300,000 demons locked away in Hell?”
“Yes. They were
destroying Asia and had to be sealed away.”
“Good, saves a
long story to tell.”
“What’s your
point?” Anna asked.
“The gate is
crumbling,” Aiguo said. The couple looked rather confused.
“What?” they
asked. The mob boss slicked back his hair.
“The gate
keeping the monsters in will not hold for long. The atomic bombs distorted the
gate’s composition. My lab is struggling to keep it closed.”
“And… what does
this have to do with Kirika-chan?” Tsuzuki asked.
“She’s the key,”
Aiguo said. Both “parents’” jaws dropped.
“What did you
say?” Tsuzuki asked.
“Well, more
actually, her father was half of the key.” Aiguo straightened his back. “You
know about the child’s parents, yes?”
“And understand
what that could possibly mean, right?”
“How do you know
Kirika-chan is the key?”
“We don’t.”
Aiguo’s facial expression became grim. “Which is why we need to run tests on her
ASAP. We need to know for certain.”
“No!” Anna
barked. Her husband turned to her with big eyes.
“Anna?” he
“You understand
what’s at stake here,” Aiguo said.
“I do,” she
said. “But I also did my homework about your gang. Your experiments are
barbaric! Most of your test subjects died or ended up in a coma! I will not let
you run your tests on a baby!”
“But if we don’t
test her soon, countless lives will be at stake!”
“It can’t be
worth a baby’s suffering!” Tsuzuki tilted his head as Anna spoke. At dinner, she
wouldn’t even look at the little girl. Aiguo pressed his hand against his
“This is most
unfortunate,” he said. “And here I was expecting to get the key back in a
reasonable manner tonight.” Aiguo sat up, sighing. “Look, we are all pressed for
time here. I will give you two weeks to change your mind.”
“And if we
don’t?” Tsuzuki asked. Aiguo sighed.
“Then I’ll have
to use force,” he said.
“Please leave,”
the shinigami said, breathing to calm himself down. The mob waved him off.
“Fine,” he said. “I will see myself out.” Aiguo
stood up and turned towards the door. However, he stopped and looked over his
shoulder. “Remember, I will be back in two weeks’ time. If you refuse me again,
I will take the baby by force. Have a good night.” The couple was left with a
bitter taste in their mouths as the front door slammed shut.