Chapter Forty-Five: Vow:
-March 26th,
“I’m home,”
Tsuzuki said. He paused at the silence greeting him. Right away, Tsuzuki had a
sinking feeling.
“Anna-chan?” he
asked. The shinigami strained his ears as he wandered through the apartment.
“Hello?” he
asked. Tsuzuki noticed a light on down the hall. He raised an eyebrow as he
began walking. The shinigami found Anna sitting on their futon in the dark.
Tsuzuki asked. He shook his head.
“Airi-chan?” the
shinigami asked. The kitsune lifted her head.
“Yes?” she
asked. Her husband closed the door behind him.
“What are you
doing here?” he asked.
“I live here,”
she said.
“I know that.
You’re out here and Anna-chan isn’t. What’s going on?”
Airi crossed her
exposed legs. “Ah, yes. I need to tell you something.”
“Okay… Is this a
bad thing?”
“Yes.” Her tone
gave the shinigami pause. He sat down next to her on the futon.
“What’s the
matter?” he asked.
“Nobu is coming
for us,” Airi said. “He is not of sound mind.” Tsuzuki gave her a strange look.
“How?” he asked.
“I do not know.
I could hear his soul. He’s still connected with his kitsune, though.”
“What should we
“Kill him.”
Tsuzuki went
pale. “No…”
“We have no
choice. He wants revenge for his family. Nobu’s out of control.” Airi took
Tsuzuki by the hands.
“This is mercy.”
“But it’s
“Don’t you
understand? De is suffering. I did that to him. I have do it.” Airi lowered her
“But, I need one
more thing from you,” she said.
“What?” Tsuzuki
asked. His wife looked him in the eye.
“We have to put
an end to the Eda-Kimoto clan for good,” she said. “The end is already at the
front door.”
“So we have to
let it in?” Tsuzuki asked.
“Is Anna-chan
okay with this?”
“Yes. She wants
this to end this mess too.”
“But she’ll have
blood on her hands.”
“It’ll be a
price to pay to end this damn war.”
“Think of all
the lives they stole. Your offices will be flooded with those souls for months.
They need justice.”
Her husband gave
her a strange look. “Since when do you care about the well-being of others?”
Airi smiled. “I
“I just want it
to end. You can do all of your justice stuff too. Everyone wins.”
Tsuzuki pressed
his lips together. The Mother didn’t hesitate to kill anyone. How could such a
mother be so beautiful?
But, she still
had a point.
Tsuzuki lowered
his eyes. “I will help you.” Airi quickly kissed him.
“Wise decision,”
she said.
“Now what?”
Tsuzuki asked.
“We wait,” Anna
“But how will he
get here?”
“I don’t know.”
Tsuzuki held Anna’s hand and she held it back, holding her breath.