Chapter five: Dark Maze

    “If I had to watch anymore of the dream, I would have lost it!” Travis barked as he looked through his cube. He shook his head. “Now that that’s over, on to getting them out!” said he with relief. Then Travis got back to work.
    Cold drops of water hit Davis’ cheek, causing he to awake. “Huh? Where am I?” he asked himself. He looked up and saw tall dark walls surrounded him. The floor was dark, cold, and hard. The ceiling was so high up that it as if it went to the sky. “I’m in a maze!” he thought. Davis looked around for Sunshine. She was nowhere insight. Then he stood up and looked for his future family. They weren’t around either. “I’m…… I’m……all alone.” thought he. Then he heard his future wife and one of his daughters screaming. “That’s Melody and Sunshine! I must save them!” Davis thought. Then he ran down to the direction he heard the screams.
    Melody and Sunshine were face to face with a beast with seven heads and ten horns. Whenever it breathed out, poison and fire would come out of each its mouths. The girls had to keep their mouths covered at all times. Melody had to use her hand to cover her eyes to see not the beast. “I have to save her!!!!” Sunshine thought. Then remembered the technique that Travis thought her. So she began to close her eyes and began wishing the monster dead. Pretty soon, the monster began very weak. Melody looked up and saw the creature losing its power. Finally, the monster fell face down and broke into dust. Melody looked at Sunshine in amazement. “How…. How….. How did you do that?” she asked Sunshine in astonishment as the girl came closer to her. “Imagination.” the girl answered. Sunshine looked at her future mother. Then Sunshine noticed something on Melody’s arm. “Momma, you have a cut on there.” she said as she point to the big wound on her arm. Melody looked. “Oh, it’s nothing.” the older girl said quickly. “No wait, I’ll fix it.” said Sunshine. Then she put her hand on the wound and began praying. As she slowly moved her away from the wound, it began to close over. Melody was so astonished that she lost her tongue. Sunshine helped her off the ground. “Girls!” they heard Davis calling out to them. “It’s Daddy!” yelled Sunshine. “We’ve of here!” Melody yelled to him. Once he heard them, Davis ran closer to them. “ *Pant* Are you guys okay?” Davis asked once he got there. “Yep!” said Sunshine. “Sunshine saved me.” Melody answered. Davis was stunned. He didn’t know what to say. When he found the words to say, he said calmly to Sunshine: “I think you’re winning over.” Melody heard but decided not to comment. “Now, let’s get out of here!” said Davis. “Yeah!” yelled Sunshine. Melody just nodded. Then the little family left to area to find their way out of the maze.
    Meanwhile, Takeru was wandering around alone looking for Aneko and Kanmu when he heard an evil female laugh. “Huh? *Looks around* Hello? Who’s there?” he asked sounding really nervous. He continued to walk in caution. Then suddenly, someone grabbed him from and pulled him into a dark wall.
    Takeru looked around in confession. “Huh? Whe… Where am I?” he thought as he looked. He found himself in the dark chamber where Dark Lady tried to turn him evil. Then she appeared right in front of him! “You again?” asked he in disgusted. Dark Lady just kissed him on the lips. The guy enjoyed her kisses. Takeru was silent for a few minutes. “Come to the dark side with me.” said she. “No.” Takeru. said. He didn’t even want to look in her eyes. “Fine, if you wouldn’t come, I’ll take you with me.” She whispered. Dark Lady pulled out her needle, stabbed into his neck, and began to pump the poison into to him while she kissed him on the lips. Takeru began to get weaker and weaker while he was into the passion.
    Aneko entered into the wall and saw her beloved Takeru being poisoned by Dark Lady. The princess saw that her beloved was only poisoned halfway. Aneko knew how kill the problem. “Ringo Aki Kaze Taki Sumire Yuki Yama Budo!” she yelled. After the spell was said, Takeru’s purity came back. The couple was out of the torture room. Dark Lady faded away in defeat. “You might have won this time, but I will be back in the future!!!” Dark Lady’s voice echoed as she faded away. The couple made it out alive. Then a bright light came in flashed everyone in the maze.