Holy Water

Dateline: Cameron and Mitch went to the desert during the Holy holiday and after they fought the demon plaguing the villages, the villagers won’t leave them leave until the Holy holiday is over.

    We were leaving another prayer session when Cameron started couching again. I noticed how drowsy and sick looking she had been. “Are you okay Cameron?” I asked her. “Yes.” She answered miserably. “All right.” I said skeptically. This kept up until she fainted. “Cameron!!!” I yelled in fear. Then I quickly took her to the doc.

    “Hmm… very warm, couching constantly, too weak, tired all the time,…” the doc said as he examined Cameron closely. “So what’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh, she just has cold.” the doc answered cheerfully. “So is there any cure?” I asked. He just ignored me. “Next.” said he. This boiled my blood! Here my best friend was sick and this guy wasn’t doing crap for her. “WHAT CAN I DO FOR HER?!?” I yelled. He still didn’t answer. I just turned to leave. “Holy water.” the doc answered at last. “Huh?” I asked as I turned to him. “The holy water is the only cure. But you have to hurry or she’ll die.” the doc answered. “Where can I find it?” I asked. The doc explained where I could fine it. “Domo arigato.” I said at last. Then I hurried off. That is how my search for the holy water began.

    According to the doc, I had to go deep into desert, cross the firebush border and continue on until I reach a sparkling lake. Aside from food and goat’s milk, I packed light. I thought my trip was going to be easy. But I thought wrong.
    My first danger was the dark shadows. Doc wanted me that they play numerous illusions. They sure got me the first go around. I was walking along when I started to smell the ocean. “Huh?” I thought as I looked around. I realized I was at a beach. I got happy. I began running towards the water. Once I got into the water, I played in it. It was so good to cool off. Then it hit me, there’s no beach in the desert. This was a trick by the dark shadows. “Very funny guys!” I yelled. Then the illusion disappeared. I got up and continued walking. They kept playing tricks on me until I threw a rock I picked up at them. Four dark fury-looking monsters appeared at my feet. “Why are you doing this?!?” I asked. “It’s something we like to do.” they hissed. “If I gave you something to eat will you leave me alone?” I asked. “Yes!” they said without giving it thought. Then I gave them each a piece of manna and the shadows disappeared. And with that, I continued on with my quest.
    My next problem was Barow. Doc said this monster had sharp sticky teeth and will chase anything. So I walked with caution. All was fine until I felt an intense breath on the back of my neck. “Don’t turn around!” I kept thinking. But I did anyway. A big hairy beast was behind me. It was Barow. I began backing away in fear. He lunged at me. I turned and ran away. Barow began to chase me. No matter how tried to escape him, he kept up with me. Then I remembered about Cameron. So I stopped and turned to the beast. I pulled out some peppers and threw them at the beast. They fell in his mouth. Barow screamed in pain. I ran away without even looking back.
    I had been traveling for three days. But they felt like forever. I was hot and tired. But when I saw the holy water, my hope returned. I started running towards it. But when I almost got there, four sirens stopped me. “Hey! What are you doing?!?” I yelled. “No one is allowed to pass!” one of them yelled. I pulled out my razor gun and they pulled out their swords. We were about to fight when I remembered what the doc said. I’m not to fight them even if they attack first. So I put down my gun and they put away their swords. “Why have you come?” the leader of the sirens asked me. I explained my to them my story. “Take as much as you need.” the sirens answered. I looked up and the youngest one handed me a cup. “Domo arigato!” I said gratefully. Then I walked over to the holy water and took a scoop of it. “Anything else?” they asked me. “I would like to get back to the villages.” I answered. “Sure.” said the leader. Then she picked me up and flew me back to the villages.
    When I returned back to the doc, he praised me and we gave Cameron the holy water. It took hours for the water to work. By the next day, Cameron was back to normal. We had two more weeks before we could leave.
To Be Continued….