How to Survive Tokyo-Zion Academy
Just a little guide to help you survive the Academy at all times.
Stay out of fights.
Don't start any pointless fights.
Chase off Anton Jackson the beggar before classes begin.
Teachers may hung-over or drunk from last night.
Don't fall asleep anywhere!
We hate children!
Don't make fun of Madonna!
Any food left out unattended becomes public property.
Don't make fun of Gwen Stefani!
Take off that goofy hat!
If a fellow student/teacher steps on your foot, let it slide. Why spend twenty-five years in jail because some smudged your sandals.
Music is the blood here!
Don't try to argue with the teachers even if they know they are wrong. (Bad things will happen other wise.)
Don't mock the 80's!
Racism and homophobia is not allowed and tolerated! So don't go there!
If a hussy fit is brewing, duck and cover!
If the crap is going to hit the fan, step out of the way.
Some pointless arguments will go on for days, so brace yourself.
Say no to censorship!
What is the point of all of this?
Is it...
We care about you and want you to make it through at least one year in one piece
We have to do this by law
We just want to drive you nuts with useless information
The answer:
All of the above!