.What is TZA?.
A little information about this academy: We do a hybrid of fanfiction and original works mixed together on different mini-sites into one big site that we call "classes." This site's birthday will officially be August 15th.
Mystic Manual
The Staff
Spirits of the Dead
Rule Book
TZA Timeline
TZA Catalog
.Fun Part.
On-Line Courses
Dark Side of the Moon
Midnight Crash
Throwback Box
Bragging Rights
.Published Work.
Aphrodite City
LGBT Scream
Things to Look Forward to
Fan Section
Hook-Up to this Academy
City District
Tokyo-Zion Academy: Noizchild
Layout: Jazzy & DDG
This is Tokyo-Zion Academy, School of Anime and Mystics. I am
your lovely kitty headmistress, Noizchild.
I'm in the middle of fixing my site (once again). Yes, I am back at Neocities because Webs stopped caring about the legacy file manager. It won't even like me edit the html pages anymore. I can't downgrade on the account and I can't afford to use the html code feature. It's okay, though. Photobucket lost their minds and wants to charge $400 a year to hotlink pictures. Like I hell I am doing that. So, now I am coverting the pictures from Photobucket to Imgur. It's going to take a while because this is a big site. But, it's coming nicely so far. Wish me luck.
9/1/24:I started up LGBT Scream again.
9/1/23:I started up LGBT Scream again.
9/1/22:I started up LGBT Scream again.
9/1/21:I started up LGBT Scream again. Send me content.
9/1/20: I started up LGBT Scream again.
9/1/19: I started up LGBT Scream again.
12/22/17: Yep, I ditched Webs.com again.
9/1/17: Noiz: LGBT Scream 2017 is up and the most of the pictures on the main site are fixed. Dreamland will be fixed tomorrow and I'm still waiting to upload my files.
7/26/17: Noiz: Please forgive some of the state that this site is in. Webs is being incompetent at the moment with it not loading my files and uploader not working properly. I have complained, but not much is getting done. But, bare with us. We are working to fix everything from moving to changing the pictures from Photobucket to Imgur. This will take some time, but we think we can work it. Hang in there with us, please?
9/1/16: Noiz: Project LGBT Scream has started.
9/1/15: Noiz: Project LGBT Scream has started.
12/16/14: Noiz: I've added a sign-up forum for my mailing list.
10/13/14: Noiz: I updated the catalog.
9/1/14: Noiz: Project LGBT Scream has started.
8/17/14: Noiz: Happy belated birthday to us! I added a Bragging Rights section for all of the original books that I am/will be publishing in the future.
9/1/13: Project LGBT Scream has started.
4/2/13: Jun: We fixed up the link section. We ended up taking out three broken Gorillaz links. That's about it on this part of the site. We will be doing the edits in the smaller section now. Wish us luck!
3/26/13: Noiz: We have deleted the Hot Zones, Extra Credit, Did He Say This?, and Hit List pages. They were useless anyway.
3/19/13: Noiz: The "Things to Look Forward to" page will now lead to our tumblr.
3/15/13: Noiz: The LGBT Scream page has a key code and looks much better now.
3/7/13: Noiz: The fan pages now have decor pics or back links to this page here. Also, the "The Throwback Box" has descriptions about which link is what so you will know what you are clicking on.
2/28/13: Kellie: We've added some banners and codes to link back to us. So, please link back to us? We really need the traffic. Pretty please?
2/26/13: Noiz: The Rule Book, Timeline, and Catalog look better now. The Timeline goes back in the right direction now with the back link. Sorry about that, guys. =^-^=;;
2/24/13: Katie: We added some rules to our fan section. So, start sending us some stuff. Please? *Sweet little baby eyes*
2/23/13: Jasper: The graveyard, our dead character section, is updated. Now, Hogosha-san isn't so lonely anymore.
2/19/13: Noiz: Victoria's bio is updated. All of the bios of the minor staff are merged together into one page. (I never knew we had that many people working for us! =^-^=;;) Plus, the dorms page is fixed up with different information about, what else? The dorms on this very campus.
2/14/13: Noiz: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I have re-updated Mosh's bio with his help.
2/10/13: Noiz: Sarah, Scarlet, and Shona's bios are now up and fixed. You can read Scarlet's more clearly now.
2/9/13: Noiz: Ruby and Sapphire's bios are now updated.
2/3/13: Noiz: Polly's bio is up to date and I even spelled the file name right this time! =^-^=
2/1/13: Noiz: Melanite and Miho are updated. You can now read Melanite's much better.
1/31/13: Noiz: Lola, Louise, and Margaret's bios are all updated. Lola's is easier to read now.
1/30/13: Noiz: Kellie and Liz's bios are updated now.
1/29/13: Noiz: Karen, Kathryn, and Katie's bios are all updated. Karen's is easier to read now.
1/28/13: Noiz: Josie and Jun-Jun's bios are updated. Josie's is easier to read.
1/27/13: Noiz: Jasper's bio is up and edited.
1/26/13: Noiz: Iris and Jamie's bios are up and fixed. You can actually read Iris' bio much better now.
1/25/13: Noiz: Ingrid's bio is up and edited.
1/24/13: Noiz: Emerald's bio is nicely edited for posting.
1/23/13: Noiz: Diamond and Ellen's bios are up to date.
1/22/13: Noiz: Ann, Brooke, and Candy-chan's bios are now all fixed and readable.
1/21/13: Noiz: Andi's bio is much better and easier to read now.
1/20/13: Noiz: Amethyst and Ana have updates to their bios now.
1/19/13: Noiz: Amber's bio is now updated.
1/18/13: Noiz: With Mosh and T.J.'s bios perfectly updated and functional, that covers all of the guys on the main staff. Next will come the girls to fix up. Wish us luck there.
1/17/13: Noiz: Art's bio has more details to it, the music is fixed, and you can actually read it better now. Plus as it turns out, the "older" bios still link back to the old domain. Whoops, sorry! *Sweat drop* Louise: Idiot! Noiz: Hey shut up, I'm trying!
1/16/13: Noiz: Antonio's bio has more details and fixed music on it.
1/15/13: Noiz: Tony and my bios have more details to them and the music is fixed
1/14/13: Noiz: The main staff page looks better and so does the guestbook. I never knew that we had so many girls working here. Damn!
1/13/13: Jasper: The supernatural timeline looks better and the music is fixed.
1/12/13: Noiz: The This and That page is much better now.
1/11/13: Noiz: The Campus Policies page has better rules and looks better too.
1/10/13: Jasper: I fixed up Lucifer's Family Tree and Noiz changed the description of the Timeline under the Mystic Manual section.
1/9/13: Jasper: The Medicines and Poisons and Plants pages look better and the music is fixed.
1/8/13: Jasper: Well, the Spirits and Creatures, Hierarchy, and Weapons pages are better organized and have working music under the Mystic Manual section.
1/7/13: Noiz: The Basic Facts page under the Mystic Manual looks much better now and has better information. Again, I fixed the Mess Hall (Queen Megan) link under the Classes.
1/6/13: Katie: We fixed up the message board on this site. Now if we could just get more members to sign up... *Hint-Hint*
1/5/13: Noiz: I fixed the "Table of Contents" page. It's a little bit clearer for which page is which.
1/3/13: Noiz: I fixed the link to the dining hall.
1/2/13: Noiz: I have posted the catalog and fixed the links in Classes section.
1/1/13: Happy 2013! Take a look around. The academy has had work done.
9/1/12: Happy Screaming September!
2/14/12: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Aphrodite City is now opened!8/31/11: LGBT Scream starts tomorrow.
9/8/10: We updated the timeline.9/1/10: We added a new feature and updated the timeline over the summer.
4/13/10: We have added a new piece to the timeline.
6/6/10: We have updated the timeline.1/1/10: Happy New Year!!! We have changed the layout.
12/31/09: Today is the last day of the decade!!! Time to party! Whoo-hoo! We have added our timeline.
11/20/09: I have linked the Euphoria series to this place.
6/25/09: I have added something new to the Throwback Box.5/15/09: New home, new look!
3/24/09: I have added a new section!!!1/6/09: I have rearranged the classes by the sensei.
12/18/08: I have added two new classes.6/23/08: I have fixed the link to the new class.
6/13/08: I have added a new class.5/31/08: I have added a new staff member.
9/25/07: I have all of the sectioned linked up.5/25/07: The staff bios are all now up.
4/19/07: I have added our hit list.4/16/07: I have finally added May to Things to Look Forward to.
4/13/07: I have added June and July to Things to Look Forward to. No plans for May just yet.4/2/07: I have added more to April's Things to Look Forward to. No plans for May just yet.
3/28/07: I have linked up my little black book in the Hot Zones.3/2/07: I have added the Did He Say This? section.
2/24/07: I have added the Hot Zones.2/21/07: I have added the Things to Look Forward to Page.
2/20/07: We have finally gotten all of the students enrolled.1/20/07: I have added the dorms.
12/29/06: Liz has added the polls.12/28/06: I have fixed up the classes.
12/27/06: I have given ourselves a new look!11/28/06: Liz has made another quiz.
10/27/06: I have added a way for you to link to us.10/25/06: I have added the journal book.
10/23/06: Liz has added the quizzes.9/24/06: The section are all now up!
8/7/06: I added the staff page.8/5/06: Specialty pages are up and I've added music.
7/4/06: I have the manual up.7/3/06: I have the graveyard up and running. And just for fun, I have the first page to the Specialty Pages. Plus the fan section is up.
7/1/06: The series section is up..Weekly Updates.
To check out what's being worked on week after week, check out my tumblr here.