Part Two: One Innocent Angel

Chapter one: The Problem:

    “Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming, I cannot cease for the fear of silent nights. Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming. The goddess of imaginary light.”

-Evanescence “Imaginary”

    Aneko rushed to the lab. She pounded hard on the door. “Washu! Washu!!!” the princess yelled. The door opened. Washu stood tired eyed in the doorway. “Nani do you want?!?” she asked. She looked up at Aneko. A pause passed by. “It’s Takeru!” the princess breathed out. “Whoa! Whoa!” Washu exclaimed. “Slow down!” Then she looked around. “Come inside.” the mad scientist whispered. “Right.” Aneko replied. Then the girls walked inside. The princess closed the door behind them.

    “Recurring nightmares, eh?” Washu asked. “Hai.” Aneko said softly. “I see.” said the mad scientist. “I’ll be right back.” Then she rushed to her computer. The princess waited patiently.

    A few moments, Washu came back slowly. Aneko looked up. The scientist’s face looked grim. The princess grew worried. Washu cleared her throat. “It’s an akumu yokai doing this.” she announced faintly. (Noiz note: “Akumu” means “Nightmare” in Jap.) The princess’ eyes grew big. “I knew it!” she thought. There was only ichi thing to do now.

    “How can I save Takeru?” Aneko asked. A little hikari filled Washu’s face. “You have to go in his dreams and save him,” she explained. “And then destroy the yokai.” Aneko was puzzled. She was about to ask how but the scientist held up her hand to further explain. “You can use this to get in.” Washu said. Then she slid a chain over to Aneko. The princess picked it up and examined it. A small golden key hung on the end of it. Aneko was really lost.

    “It’s a dream key.” Washu explained. The princess looked up. “A wha?” she asked. “Dream key.” the mad scientist said again. “It takes you into people’s dreams. Just focus your energy on it and you’ll be there.” Aneko was relieved. “Arigato Washu-san!” she said as she bowed down. Then she rushed back to the Takashi apartment. Washu watched her. “Good luck Aneko!” she thought.