Night of the Party

    The night was still. Aneko waited quietly in bed. “Only a matter of time!” she thought. “Only a matter of time!” She listened for the clock. Ten more minutes to chime. She grinned slyly.
    At last, the clock chimed. Aneko grinned again. “Free time!” she thought. Then the princess climbed out of bed, got dressed, and snuck out of the window. Hai suckers! It was party time!
    Aneko raced down to the main street of Tokyo. Takeru and Nicole were waiting for her on a curb. When she saw them, the princess sped up. Nicole looked up and spotted her. “Hey!!!” she yelled. Aneko raced to them. Takeru watched as well. The princess made it to them.
    “What took you?” Takeru asked Aneko. “Timing Take-kun.” she answered. “Timing.” Her boyfriend nodded. He understood clearly. “Ready to go?” Nicole asked. “Hai!” the couple said in union. “Great!” Nic said. “Let’s go.” Then the trio headed off.
    The trio was going to the Oasis. The Oasis was a new nightclub in Babylon. Aneko found it by accident was she wandering the “city of sin”. And like all other places, she just had to share this one too.
    “Here we are.” Aneko said at last when they arrived. The building was made of pure bamboo and strong looking. The music could be heard from outside. The place was alive! Takeru and Nicole stood there amazed. Aneko just smirked. “Like it?” she asked. Her friends nodded in amazement. “Good,” the princess said. “Glad you like it.” Then she headed inside. Takeru and Nicole watched her. Aneko paused and turned to them. “Coming?” she asked. Her companions nodded and raced after her.
    David lightly landed on the Oasis roof. He grinned as he watched everything. “Perfect!” he thought. “Just perfect!” Then the demon sank into the roof.
    Inside, the party was alive. Bright lights flashed everywhere. The music was blaring. Drinks and snacks were being served. People were dancing. It was a party tonight, boy!
    Aneko headed to the dance floor. Takeru and Nicole watched. “Don’t wait on me.” the princess said without turning around. Her companions eyed her back. “Just go have fun.” Aneko said. Then she disappeared into the crowd. Her friends watched on and then went in different directions.
    Things grew better and the party was really pumping now. Nicole talked, flirted, and danced with a lot of boys at the club. Takeru and Aneko danced together at some points. They even made out a couple of times. This is the first time they shared first French kisses. Aneko was in heaven tonight!
    David grinned. “Payback time!” he thought as he watched the people below. Then he held out his arm and began chanting.
    The floor of the Oasis shook violently. Aneko stopped kissing and looked up. “What is it Aneko-chan?” her boyfriend asked. She didn’t answer. “That bastard!” the princess thought as she gritted her teeth in anger. Aneko stood up and began walking towards the dance floor.
    The club shook violently again. This time, the people felt it. They all fell into panic. Aneko looked to the ceiling. There, she saw him. “David!” thought she. Then the club shook violently a third time. This time enough to break the building into two. Aneko had to act fast. So she flew up to the ceiling.
    David grinned as he watched her. Perfect! He began a different chant. Aneko felt the gravity around her get distorted. She felt uncoordinated and nauseous. “Iie!” the princess thought. “I must focus! I must focus! I must--!
    It was tough. But Aneko finally fought out her motion sickness by using her own chants. David caught it and changed his chant.
    The chant battle grew stronger. From the floor, Takeru watched closely. He couldn’t see them, but he knew Aneko was battling hard. He watched on. Hoping, waiting for her safe return.
    David saw this. He changed his focus and chanted to target the boy. Aneko fell into panic. She flew down to protect her boyfriend from danger. “Perfect!” David thought. “I’ve found your weakness!” Aneko sailed faster. Her objective had changed. “I must protect Takeru!” she thought. The princess flew harder. Takeru watched on.
    Aneko got to her love just in time. But not before receiving a near-deadly shockwave to the back. The wave was strong enough to kill a demon. Aneko screamed out in intense pain. “Ahhhhhh!!!” she cried out. Takeru watched in fear. He wanted to cry out to her, but he couldn’t. The boy was paralyzed. Paralyzed with terror and disbelief. Was this a nightmare? This had to be! Aneko was invincible! Why was she losing?
    After several moments of pain, Aneko collapsed to the ground. Takeru blinked. The princess didn’t move at all. “Oh no!” he thought. It was the cold truth! Aneko had just lost!
David flew down to the couple. Takeru eyed him with hatred. “You!” he hissed. “You!” David smirked as he watched the boy tried hard to fight back the tears. Takeru wanted to kill this ruthless bastard for killing the one woman he loved. That bastard! That bastard!
    David began his chant to finish off Takeru. But then…. he stopped. The demon had sensed something. “That’s…… But… Impossible!” he thought. “Believe it dumass!” a familiar voice yelled. Both gentlemen turned. And speak pf the devil, it was Aneko! She had the look of a rapid wet sheepdog! The princess was badly injured as well! Hell was awake now!
    “Now, I’ll show what it’s like to be shocked by a shockwave, you cheap-ass!!!” Aneko snarled. “Oh really?” David asked smart-alecky. “Really!” Aneko snapped back. Then she held up her hands and began chanting. Takeru stepped aside. David watched in confusion.
    Aneko grinned in sweet revenge. “Sun bomb!!!!” she yelled. Then she threw out her thick bomb out to the demon. David’s eyes grew big in panic. “Oh shit!” he thought. “Where’d that energy come from?!?” The light bomb sped up and blast the demon right through the now damaged ceiling. Aneko grinned as she watched him fly away. “Hm.” she thought. “Take that, you old bastard!
    Aneko, Takeru, and Nicole all rushed home at midnight. Aneko climbed through the window of her room. She quickly leapt into her bed. That was a rough night. “Damn!” Aneko thought. “Something has to be done with Demon and his dogs!” Yes! Something had to be done! And fast at that! But right now, Aneko needed some sleep.

To Be Continued...