I used to be a normal girl. Cheerful, energetic, outgoing, friendly. I was in my senior year of high school. Senior year is suppose to be the best year before adulthood.
I remember the day when all that I knew shattered around me. My birthday had passed three days before. My day started out normal. I got up and went to school. My dad had to work late that night. My friends greeted at the gate. Classes went on as normal. Then, I went to P.E.
On a minor note, I am really good at sports. I�ve always been an athlete since elementary school. My dad always brags about my skills to everyone who will listen. Me? I just love sports. That day, we all doing gymnastics. My friends cheered me on.
�Good luck!� Megumi said.
�Do your best,� Haruhi cheered. I graciously bowed and thanked them. I was first up on the balance beam. I did a successful performance like I normally did. Just a couple of back flips and balancing my body just perfectly. The rest of the class clapped while the teacher gave me high marks. I only smiled modestly.
That�s when I felt it hit.
I turned to head back to the crowd when a sharp pain struck my shoulder. I sank to my knees, crying in pain.
�Midori-chan!� I heard my friend cry. I staggered all the way to the locker room. I could feel my heart pounding without touching my chest. I swallowed for air harder and harder.
W-What� is this?, I thought I began to sweat profusely. Everything I saw swirled into a blurry haze before I passed out.
In one year�s time, you and thirty-seven other will die on the Fire Festival.
I woke up in the nurse�s office by three o�clock. My back felt like it was burning. I gasped at the shock.
Oh god!, I thought. I struggled to look down. I reached up and pushed back my shirt. My eyes widened in horror at what I saw. The number nineteen was burned into my back.
From there, life as I knew it swirled down the drain.