

It burns. I feel it in my skin. When I close my eyes, I see the number ten. I can’t escape it.


I about jumped. A girl my age with glasses stared at me.

“Are you okay?” she asked. I blinked at first.

“Um… Uh…” I said. She stared at me looking worried.

“I’m not sure,” I said. I lowered my hand. The girl stared at me. I waved her off.

“Please stop,” I pleaded. “I will get it together, Yumi. I promise.” She said nothing. I threw back my head and groaned. I couldn’t tell her the truth. I can’t tell anyone. They won’t believe me. Yumi means well, but she is no help.

“Hey,” I said. I looked over at Yumi.

“Yeah?” she asked. I took a breath.

“You busy today?” I asked.

“No,” she said. I sighed.

“Want to come over to my place and study?” I asked.

“Sure,” Yumi said. That’s my girl.

“Same time?” I asked.

“Sure,” Yumi said.

“Thanks,” I said.

This is all I can do for now. But I don’t want to die. I don’t know what to do. I wouldn’t know where to find the others.

“Can we pick up dinner too?” I asked.

“Okay…” Yumi said. I shook my head.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to,” I said.

“No, no,” she said. “It’s fine. We can pick up dinner.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“Aw, the lesbians are planning a date,” a voice said. I sneered as I turned my head. Daiken and his friends stood staring at us. His smug grin made me want to punch him in the face. I flipped him off.

“Fuck off, Daiken,” I said. He stuck out his tongue at me. I rolled my eyes. I definitely won’t miss him. Yumi put her hand on my shoulder.

“Just ignore him,” she said. “He’s not worth it.” I calmed down a bit as I cleared my throat.

“Right,” I mumbled. I took another bite of my lunch. Can’t waste my energy on him, can I?


I thought I would struggle alone. Yumi would be no help. I didn’t know how to find the others. Yep, it looked like I was along with my problems.

But someone found me. And it started with an email.